Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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101 lines
VNcode for Vietnamese diacritical marks:
1:/ 2:\ 3:² 4:~ 5:. 6:^ â, ê, ô 7:' o', u' a8:° å D9:-D
-------------------------------------- Dedicated to Chu2a Vie65t Nam,
10002 Synott Rd., Sugar Land, TX 77478.
Tha6n The63 Ngu7o72i Ta = The Human Body = Le Corps Humain.
1-18 d9a62u = head = la tête
1 d9i3nh d9a62u = vertex = le crâne
2 o1t = occiput = l'occiput M
3 to1c = hair = la chevelure
4-17 ma85t = face = la face
4- 5 tra1n = forehead = le front
4 va62ng tra1n = frontal eminence = la bosse frontale latérale
5 va2nh cung cha6n ma2y = superciliary arch = la glabelle
6 ma2ng tang = temple = la tempe
7 ma81t = eye = l'oeil M
8 xu7o7ng go2 ma1 = zygomatic bone = la pommette
9 go2 ma1 = cheek = la joue
10 mu4i = nose = le nez
11 va2nh ma1 = nasolabial fold = le sillon naso-générien
12 nha6n trung = philtrum = le sillon sous-nasal
13 mie65ng = mouth = la bouche
14 khoe1 mie65ng = angle of the mouth = la commissure des lèvres F
15 ca82m = chin = le menton
16 ca82m che3 = dimple in the chin = la fossette mentonnière
17 ha2m = jaw = la mâchoire
18 tai = ear = l'oreille F
19-21 co63 = neck = le cou
19 co63 ho5ng = throat = la gorge
20 cuo61ng ho5ng = hollow of the throat = la fossette sus-sternale
21 ga1y = nape of the neck = la nuque
22-41 tha6n mi2nh = trunk = le tronc
22-25 lu7ng = back = le dos
22 vai = shoulder = l'épaule F
23 ba3 vai = shoulderblade = l'omoplate F
24 sau tha81t lu7ng = loins = les lombes M
25 d9a1y lu7ng = small of the back = les fosses F
26 na1ch = armpit = l'aisselle F
27 lo6ng na1ch = armpit hair = les poils M
28-30 lo62ng ngu75c = thorax = le thorax
28-29 vu1 = breast = le sein
28 d9a62u vu1 = nipple = le mamelon
29 qua62ng vu1 = areola = l'aréole F
30 ngu75c = bosom = la poitrine
31 eo e61ch = waist = la taille
32 ngang ho6ng = flank = le flanc
33 ho6ng = hip = la hanche
34 ro61n = navel = le nombril
35-37 bu5ng da5 = abdomen = l'abdomen M
35 bu5ng tre6n = upper abdomen = l'épigastre M
36 bu5ng = abdomen = l'hypogastre M
37 bu5ng du7o71i = lower abdomen = le bas-ventre
38 ha1ng = groin = l'aine F
39 bo65 sinh du5c = pudenda = le pubis
40 mo6ng d9i1t = seat = la fesse
41 ke4 d9i1t = anal groove = le sillon inter-fessier
42 va2nh mo6ng d9i1t = gluteal fold = le sillon sous-fessier
43-54 tu71 chi = limbs = les membres M
43-48 tay = arm = le membre supérieur
43 ca1nh tay tre6n = upper arm = le bras
44 khuy3u tay = crook of the arm = le pli du coude
45 cu2i cho4 = elbow = le coude
46 ca1nh tay tru7o71c = forearm = l'avant-bras M
47 ba2n tay = hand = la main
48 na81m tay = fist = le poing
49-54 cha6n = leg = le membre inférieur
49 d9u2i = thigh = la cuisse
50 d9a62u go61i = knee = le genou
51 khuy3u cha6n = popliteal space = le creux poplité
52 ca83ng cha6n = shank = la jambe
53 ba81p cha6n = calf = le mollet
54 ba2n cha6n = foot = le pied
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cu5 O6ng Le6 Tro5ng Su1y chuye63n ngu74
The Oxford-Duden Pictorial French & English Dictionary, page 44.